The Reports tab is similar to Patriot's Saved Search List, where you can review previously-created Advanced Searches. To keep our team as efficient and organized as possible, there are a couple of rules to follow when working with Reports.
Reports allow you to run a search for objects in Salesforce, applying Filters to get exactly what you're looking for. This is similar to Patriot's Advanced Search for...
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Naming can be a little tricky, since Reports are dynamic by nature. Here are a few simple steps you can follow to make sure your report names are descriptive-but-brief.
What's the main focus of my report? Common examples include specific object types like Members, Non-Members, Volunteers, Chapters or Alumni Corporation Boards, as well as high-level objects, like Contacts or Accounts.
If you're planning to apply filters based on object type or status, add a prefix before the primary object. For example, Active Members or Open Chapters.
If you have other filters, add a colon : to separate the primary object.
What filters are being applied to the report objects? Keep these as short as possible, without sacrificing clarity. Separate individual filters with a comma.
If a filter has a sensible default, don't worry about including it in the name. For example, if your report is for Active Members, you don't need to indicate that the Report has a filter for "living" members.
Contacts: No Email
Accounts: Central Timezone
Officers: Begin < 2019, Exec
Volunteers: Begin > 2018, Has Mobile Phone
Members: Alumni, Beta Alpha, Initiated < 1980, Avg. Gift > $25
Chapters: Open, Chartered in Last 5 Years, Has Twitter
In addition to the Report Name, you can punch in a description when saving. 🥊 Descriptions allow you to add extra detail on the Report—what filters are applied, which department is it for, what's the intended use-case, etc.
Deciding where to store a Report is pretty straightforward. Answer these questions and you'll know where to put it.
Is the Report built specifically for your team or department?
Place it in your Department folder.
Is the Report intended for cross-department use?
Place it in the General folder.
Is the Report only valuable for you, personally?
Place it in your Private folder.
Is the Report a generic template for creating other Reports?
Place it in the _Templates folder.